Friday, March 30, 2007

flaming rockets

I think as long as I've been playing Hold 'Em, I think I've heard about every story on how Aces got cracked. It's usually against another pocket pair and you will hear how someone tripped up on the flop or made it on the river.

I played two sng tournaments last night and took second in the first and took 4th (no money) on the bubble for the second. Between the two games, I had pocket aces 5 times. Talk about luck. Of those 5 times, my aces won only once. Hmmm pretty fishy. Against pocket Kings, the Aces are a 4:1 favorite. However, of the 5 times I had it last night, I only won once.

First game: Heads up, I had 59o and limped in. My opponent checked. The flop came out 997. This is a monster flop heads up. I'm virtually guaranteed the pot. The turn came and an Ace came. I didn't think much about it. I bet and my opponent called. River came and I bet and he went all in and, of course, I called. He showed pocket Aces. He should have been punished for slowplaying those in that situation.

Last hand, I had Aces and min-raised to get some action with my short stack.

Flop: 832 - I checked, he bet and I raised all in and he called. He called with top pair. Turn - blank. River - 8.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, it's the wrong result. Normally, with the hands I was being dealt, first place should have been a cake-walk. Instead I take second. Still it's better than not placing in the money at all.

Second game, I'd been playing tight and showing down only good hands. Then I got into it with against Kings. My Aces got cracked on the turn when a King came. That put a hurting on me.

The next time I got Aces, I only picked up the big blind as the small blind. Doesn't even count.

Finally, I got it all in with my Aces against KQ. He hit a King but got no more luck on the later streets.

Of course the last and final time my Aces got cracked and sent me to the rail in 4th place happened with my opponent made a back-door straight.

Ugh. As many times I had Aces, they were simply no good last night.

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