Monday, March 5, 2007


Well, just sat down to play some online poker at 'stars and lost two in a row. when all I want to do is play again to get back to even. But I've been down that path before and I know EXACTLY where that leads - pulling out the bank card to re-fill.

So I'm stopping.

The last one I lost right outside the bubble. Those are the worst. I had all my money in with the best hand - even dominating. I had KTo and the other guy had JTs. The flop came out KJQ. So I was way ahead and I actually wouldn't mind a tie either but the turn came out J. No Ace or King on the river to bail me out. So I was out in 4th. SUCKS. Hate going out on the bubble.

This trend is consistent with me not getting many good starting cards. I doubled up early in my second game with QQ vs. KK. I raised and called a re-raise pre-flop. I hit a set and slow played them even with a flush possibility. After that, I'm riding the drought.

Well, since 'm tilting a little, I think I will play some play money games to just play stupidly and just get it out of my system. I have plenty of play chips and can steam off at the 200/400 NL tables.

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