Sunday, March 18, 2007

a super sunday

Well, last night I saw a movie at a friend's house and came home rather late - around 2AM. I wasn't tired though. I played two sng tournaments. I lost the first one but came in second place in the next one. I was decimated to $45 with 5 players left. But I got lucky two hands in a row to avoid elimination. I think I went all in 6 more times and either won with the best hand or won a bunch as a 60/40 dog.

I finally went to sleep around 5AM. I slept until noon. After I went for a run, I showered and proceeded to play a sit-n-go.

I proceeded to go on a tear. Moneyed in 3 in a row. Took 3rd. Took 1st. Took 2nd.

I started with about $100 in my account. I finished with almost $500 now.

I finally played a $50 tournament and lost. Some big losses. Was building a nice stack and someone who just lost a hand was steaming and went all in with Kh7h. I woke up with Aces and called. He flopped two pair and I couldn't improve. That crippled me down to about $500. Couldn't make anything work after that.

After that loss, I played another $50 one. That one I had some really good cards. Aces, Kings and Queens. I knocked out two ppl with the Queens. Made quad queens.

Eventually, I went heads up. My opponent was a tough one. I had to make some good hands and slow play them. I slow played Aces and flopped a set and rivered a boat. I bet about 60% of the small pot and got called.

Anyway, the hand I took the tournament with a flopped straight. He was drawing dead to a lower straight. My opponent made the wheel and I made a straight to the 9.

That was a nice $250 first place prize.

Well, when I'm running hot, gotta take full advantage.

That's about it for now.

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