Wednesday, March 7, 2007

a quick post before 'Lost'

Well, I've been busy all day working from home. Went for a job interview during my lunch break and it looks pretty good. It's about 2 miles from where I live. So it's real short. It will save me about 2 hours of commuting if I take this job.

So anyway, after 10+ hours coding, I decided to play a sng on stars. Well, the way I lost is quintessential me. I've been playing real tight with good cards and have shown down some great hands. Once I had pocket jacks and flopped quads. Couldn't make much money off of them but whatever.

The hand that crippled me was KQ. This guy, "jmusteve" limped on the button. It was folded all the way to him and the SB folded and I was the BB. So I sensed weakness so my KQ deserved a raise. So he called. Flop came T8Q. I flopped top pair. I'm losing to a AQ but didn't put him on that since I'm sure he'd raise pre-flop with that. J9 is a possible hand. But flopping a straight is very unlikely.

So I bet and he raises me. I re-raise him to put him all in and he calls. He made bottom two pair. I'm not sure how to feel about that hand right now. I mean, I guess I shouldn't get it all in there with just one pair but it's difficult for me to put my opponent on a hand like T8. I guess that combined with the fact that it's hard for me to lay down top pair.

Well that hand crippled me. I went from second chip leader the short stack. BOOM. One hand. It's sick. I guess I just didn't like him calling my raise with T8. I mean wtf? Where's the respect. All I've ever shown were premium hands and he decides to call me with T8. Oh well. I've been watching him after I got railed. He's getting some ridiculous cards. KK vs. JT (all in). QQ vs. AQ (all in). Donkey! There, I feel better.

Oh well...we'll meet again 'jmusteve'

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